Gospel & Agriculture

Project: Food and Faith. Adwari, Northern Uganda 

Project Partners: Bishop Joseph and Helen Omara 

Bishop Joseph is the Lango region overseer for the Ugandan Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches and is responsible for many hundreds of churches, working out of Lira. He is also a talented farmer with a passion for development. Our partnership with him is for ‘tummies and souls’. He gains enormous mana from his agricultural successes on his family farm that he shares with his community and is known to the President of Uganda.  He actively evangelises in other regions and after many years of effort is seeing results in church growth where he also sends out missionaries to disciple the communities. His farm is in Adwari, which is to the east of Lira. 

Over 11 years we have walked in friendship and supported the following agricultural initiatives: ‘street children’ nutrition, dry season agricultural initiatives of pump, pipe and well based irrigation supported by lined irrigation ponds for irrigation and fish breeding, seed acquisition, improvement of agricultural techniques for small scale farming, the purchase of a truck for the transportation of goods to better markets, organic mulch and fertiliser production, the improvement of wet season rice cultivars, the distribution of high quality seed, the cultivation of a nitrogen fixing plant for soil regeneration and recently the beginnings of a small herd of Friesian dairy cows, and much more.   

Current Projects: Funding a solar pump, header tanks and irrigation pipe for gravity irrigation of the drier upland areas of the farm to increase productive acreage.  Increasing the dairy herd size to maximise the available pasture in the low land area of the farm. 

New Zealand Partners: Patrick and Melissa McLuskie, Pete and Julianne Darling, all of Grace Vineyard City Campus 

Contact for connection: Patrick; pm.mcluskie@xtra.co.nz 0274196479