Grace Vineyard Church Values

Here are our grace vineyard church values:

• Encountering God – We value helping people to encounter Jesus through both the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the clear and simple teaching of God’s Word.

• Worship – We value experiencing God through praise and worship, in both small and large gatherings.

• Servanthood – While recognizing that every person has a part to play in building the church with their God given gifts, we choose to value character over gifting. We are servants who lead, not leaders who serve.

Family – We value the pursuit of unity in all our different expressions of church life, while having as much fun as we possibly can as a family!

• Kotahitanga – We value our bi-cultural journey with both pākehā and tāngata whenua; learning and growing into what a partnership looks like to bring spiritual renewal to Aotearoa.  

• The Kingdom of God - We value understanding the whole of life, ministry, and mission, through the primary lens by which we are to interpret the life and teachings of Jesus, the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

• Compassion – We value reconciling the least and the lost of society with God the Father, through compassionate, culturally relevant mission in the world.

• Authenticity – We value being real with God and with others. Vulnerability before God and others is what empowers us to victory over sin.

• Generosity – We value being good stewards of all the resources God has given, with radical generosity being the main expression of this value.

• Team – We value everyone being part of the team. There are no ‘superstars’ in Gods kingdom, everyone gets to play their part, by partnering with the Holy Spirit. 

Glorify (Worship)

Reach Out (Evangelism/Mission)

Anointing (Power of the Holy Spirit)

Compassion (Ministering to the Poor)

Equipping (Discipleship/Training people for Mission)