
Ready to take a year out to seek the purposes of God for your life?

Ready to take a year out to seek the purposes of God for your life?

We invite you to invest that year with us at Grace Vineyard Church. Come and experience the journey that God has us on as a church, with input from our key staff and leadership team. Our aim is to see you grow in character and competency as a disciple-maker, within a team environment and growing in skills according to your ministry area. 

Next Intake

Our next intake is for 2025.

Ministry Areas

You will choose one ministry area (in agreement with us) to intern within. 

Please note ministry areas include (but are not limited to): 


  • Worship  
  • Media  
  • Ministry administration support for areas such as pastoral care, Lifegroups etc.  
  • Communications & Design 
  • Production - Audio, Visual & IT 
  • Events  
  • Young Adults  
  • Youth  
  • Kids & Intermediates  
  • Kairos Community Outreach

Applying to do an Internship

This is a yearlong commitment to serve and learn at a Grace Vineyard Campus. 


Classes are on Wednesday mornings during term time. The topics are Discipleship, Faith in Action, Encountering the Bible, and the Basics of Christian Belief, and Ministry Tutorial. Interns complete their practical ministry in their campus at different times throughout the week. All interns do 10 –16 hours of practical ministry per week during term time. Here is a 2024 Year Plan of the dates and topics. 

Start Date: 15 July 2024

Cost: $500

Please note for Internationals: We have a requirement of a police check from your home country. This will include an extra cost. Please email to discuss.

Learning Community

All interns are part of our Learning Community to learn and apply theology in life and ministry. The Learning Community meets on a Wednesday, from 9 – 10am at City Campus during the Vineyard College term time. It will include worship, prayer, a short Kingdom Theology teaching and application of this to our world. Here is the 2024 year plan

What you can expect from us

  • Pastoral input each week  
  • Support to get linked with a mentor  
  • Safe spaces to talk with both staff and non-staff members about how you are doing during your time with us  
  • Support as you transition out of your internship

Application Process

  1. Please read and make sure you agree with our student commitments before beginning the application process. 
  2. Please complete the Internships enrolment online.
  3. Student Support staff will process your application and will organise an interview time with most applicants. This can be arranged for online or in person. 
  4. At the interview we will discuss the various study options and talk about whether this course is the right one for you. 
  5. Please register for the Learning Community. 
  6. Once this process is complete, you will receive an invoice. 
  7. Once the invoice has been paid, we will start onboarding.


You do not have to study towards a formal qualification in order to do an internship, but if you would like to the options include:

Diploma in Christian Studies (Christian Leadership) You can study in this full-time internship programme through Laidlaw College.


Diploma in Christian Studies (Theological Studies) You can study in this full-time internship programme through Laidlaw College.

Costs for the various programmes can be found on the Laidlaw College Web site. College students are studying to gain an NZQA qualification and may be eligible for student loans and allowances. 

Application Process for DipCS

  1. Please email to introduce yourself and let her know of your intention to apply. 
  2. Complete your application to Laidlaw College following their process.
  3. Please register for the Learning Community.

For more information, please email