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Koti Indigenous Evangelists & Pastors


In Angoche, Mozambique the work is continuing to flourish and grow.

The movement has been going for 25 years and has seen over 300 churches planted with around 600 leaders being raised up to lead them. However, in 2024 they are looking to the future to train a small group of leaders to be specially trained to be the future core leaders of the movement. This has come about because of the original core leaders retiring and stepping down from their positions. 

A core team has been formed which will be specially trained at YWAM and a Bible school in Kenya to help them grow. All these leaders already are learning to lead churches and do house to house evangelism (Visit the sick, those in hospital and prison). We see this as a season of sowing into the future to reap a harvest! 

In 2024 also the vision is for every Koti family to be growing their own food, whether it be in a small patch of garden or on larger farmland. Teaching them the value once again of sowing and reaping.

For those who don't know the history of the work, you can watch a short video by clicking the button below.

The ministry works of 5 core values:

  1. Love God and man 
  2. Call on Jesus to be saved
  3. Listen to his voice and obey 
  4. Come together to worship
  5. Tell others the true way