Campus Prayer Meetings

Happening Weekly at our Campuses!

Let's Pray!

Ashburton Campus:

9.30am, Thursdays, 40 Churchill Ave

Beach Campus:

Thursdays: Worship: 8am - 8.30am | Prayer: 8.30 - 9am in the Sandpit

Sundays: 8am - 8.30am in the Nest

Mondays*: 7.30pm - 8.30pm in the Cafe *Third Monday of each month

111 Seaview Road

City Campus:

7.30am, Thursdays, 150 Ferry Road

Plains & Pegasus Campuses:

9.30 - 10.30am, Wednesdays, at Bridget Underhill's house. For the address, email Bridget. You can do so by clicking here.

West Campus:

7am Worship Chapel | 9.30am Prayer | Thursdays, at the West Community Hub - 4/55 The Runway.

All of our campus prayer meetings run weekly during term-time.