Bishop Joseph & Helen Omara

Meet Bishop Joseph & Helen Omara!

Bishop Joseph is a regional overseer for many hundreds of churches in Northern Uganda from his base in the city of Lira.  A gifted and progressive farmer, he and Helen run a family farm in support of communities in Adwari.  Their reach is extensive benefitting many across Uganda as they train people in better agricultural techniques while also preaching the gospel and ministering in many regions across the nation, including their own church in Lira.  Their farm is attaining wet and dry season resilience in agricultural production to protect their community and others against food shortfall in times of drought and flood.   


A friendship developed over the last decade with Grace Vineyard members Patrick and Melissa McLuskie and Pete and Julianne Darling has seen collaboration on many projects.  The current focus is working on improving dry season productivity and expansion of a small dairy herd.