Edith and Richard Lukabwe

Edith and Richard Lukabwe

Meet Edith & Richard Lukabwe

Edith and Richard are parents of 5 but parent many children. Edith is the Founder and Director of Home of Hope in Kainogogoa, Uganda. Edith and Richard seek to remove barriers for disabled children and their families and believe that the Kingdom breaking in looks like every child experiencing love, happiness and hope.  

At Home of Hope 90+ children with multiple disabilities live, cared for by a large support and therapeutic staff. The children are an active part of the community and reach out from their home to their community. Edith and Richard are associate pastors of a church that runs from Home of Hope, bringing the hope of Jesus to their community. 

In 2020 after 10 years of friendship, Rory and Jacqui White partnered with Edith and Richard to build the Derrick and Emily Memorial Medical Center, a 20-bed hospital meeting the needs of the disabled children and the local community. The hospital, built next door to Home of Hope, is in memory of the children of these two couples. 

There is a therapy room built on the hospital site. The Team holds a drop-in clinic on a Tuesday where 60 – 80 families come along with their disabled child for support, therapy, medical care and medications.  

There are several planned developments including a maternity wing for the hospital, homes for disabled young adults, a training centre for therapists, and a special needs school.